Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Kindergarten students explored the concept of "musical form".  After listening to Vivaldi's Spring from the Four Seasons, they were asked to represent their understanding using a variety of approaches.  Inspired by the science topic of five senses, Grade 1 students explored the concept of "texture".  They brainstormed a list of words to describe the texture of different objects and then used these words to describe a number of musical excerpts.  As part of their "Acadian experience", Grade 2 students continued to refine their skills on playing spoons.  They also learned a number of French folksongs.

Grade 3 and 4 students have taken their first step in learning how to sightread 4-beat melodic fragments on the recorder.  They are applying what they have learned in rhythmic reading as well as treble clef reading in order to tackle this task.  Grade 5 students are getting their first exposure to 12-bar blues.  Some of them are taking on the challenge to improvise short 12-bar phrases using the blues scales.

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