Sunday, September 30, 2018

Music - the universal language of mankind

Music is the universal language of mankind.

~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Language development and literacy is a huge part of the elementary program, and music is the  universal language which allows us to communicate across cultures, traditions, and languages.  It is another means to explore and express our feelings.

Kindergarten and Grade 1 have been exploring different vocal qualities ---- speaking voice, singing voice, stage voice and whispering voice.  They have also begun exploring their own body as a musical instrument.  Apart from the four main body percussion, that is, snapping, clapping, patting and stomping, students created original body percussion sounds to add to this repertoire of sonic resource. Grade 2 students started to explore "opposites" in music.  Through songs and pieces that they have sung and listened to, students noticed that there are many "opposites" in music, e.g. high vs. low, loud vs. soft.  These "opposites" create what musicians call "polarities" in music.

While Grade 3 students begin to explore the basic rhythmic building blocks of music, Grade 4 students extended their understanding of rhythm into "meter" as indicated by time signatures as they begin to examine the topic "Music in Motion and Motion is Music."  They are also performing different ostinato patterns which are part of a multi-voiced texture.  Grade 5 students delve deeper into music literacy by exploring 16th notes and the corresponding rests.  Looking into solfège gives students the basic vocabulary to analyze melodic and harmonic structure of a piece of music. 

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Music is Everywhere

Everything you do is music, and
everywhere is the best seat. 
~ John Cage

Kindergarten and Grade 1 began exploring "body percussion" as one of the ways to create music.  They learned that it is called body percussion because we use different body parts to make music.  They also learned that it is called body percussion because it works just like percussion instruments where one makes music by "striking." Grade 2 told their first musical story The Three Billy Goats Gruff.  By assigning a different instrument to each main character, they captured vividly each of the main characters. 

Grade 3 students added the note doh to their knowledge of solfège.  They learned that doh represents "home" in music.  Grade 4 reviewed the concept of ticka-ticka's and looked at how the different rhythmic values can be put together to create some basic rhythmic building blocks.  They also performed canons through singing.  Grade 5 worked on notating the rhythm of a chant they have learned.  They also experienced a new musical style ---- Calypso ---- through singing. 

Grade 3/4 choir starts Tuesday, September 25.
Grade 5/6 choir starts on Wednesday, September 26.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Let's make some joyful noise!

We have enjoyed the first week of music classes!  Kindergarten and Grade 1 students sang a number of familiar songs, listened to some stories sung by Ms. Ling and explored the concept of body percussion.  They also experienced the concepts of high vs. low and sound vs. silence.

Grade 2 students reviewed some of the concepts from last year, including non-pitched instruments and rhythmic reading based on ta's and ti-ti's.  Using Three Billy Goats Gruff as an inspiration, students tried to find the best non-pitched instruments to represent main characters in the story.

Grade 3 students created and performed soundscapes by using non-pitched instruments while Grade 4 students explored rhythmic patterns based on ticka-ticka's. 

Grade 5 students reviewed their skills on barred instruments and performed complex rhythmic pieces on various levels of body percussion.

Students who are interested in joining the choir as an extra-curricular activity is encouraged to see Ms. Ling for a permission form.  Grade 3/4 choir will meet on Tuesdays over the lunch hour and Grade 5/6 choir will meet on Wednesdays over the lunch hour.