We have enjoyed the first week of music classes! Kindergarten and Grade 1 students sang a number of familiar songs, listened to some stories sung by Ms. Ling and explored the concept of body percussion. They also experienced the concepts of high vs. low and sound vs. silence.
Grade 2 students reviewed some of the concepts from last year, including non-pitched instruments and rhythmic reading based on ta's and ti-ti's. Using Three Billy Goats Gruff as an inspiration, students tried to find the best non-pitched instruments to represent main characters in the story.
Grade 3 students created and performed soundscapes by using non-pitched instruments while Grade 4 students explored rhythmic patterns based on ticka-ticka's.
Grade 5 students reviewed their skills on barred instruments and performed complex rhythmic pieces on various levels of body percussion.
Students who are interested in joining the choir as an extra-curricular activity is encouraged to see Ms. Ling for a permission form. Grade 3/4 choir will meet on Tuesdays over the lunch hour and Grade 5/6 choir will meet on Wednesdays over the lunch hour.
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