Friday, March 22, 2019

People make music to get a reaction.
Music is communication.

~ Yoko Ono

Kindergarten students learn how music and lyrics can help them communicate their emotions.  By changing the lyrics, the dynamics, the articulation of the music, they experience a range of expression.  

Grade 1 and 2 students are extending their understanding of solfège to include sol, mi and la.  They also learned how music can be made up of sections.  Grade 3 and 4 students focused on the different families of the orchestra.  They are currently learning about the string family.  We listened to excerpts from Symphony No. 1 by Gustav Mahler and discovered a "sad version" of Frère Jacques.  

Grade 5 students are exploring jazz music.  They perform some of these pieces which are adapted for barred instruments.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Winnie the Pooh, a Birthday Party

In April, Grade 7-9 students will be presenting the musical, Winnie the Pooh, a Birthday Party.  Please check the school website for more details and information about ticket sales.  See you there!

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Music develops analytical thinking because it requires students to be creative.
They don't just regurgitate memorized facts.  They have to apply those facts.

~ Dr. Kevin Strother

This quote captures so well what I believe music education is about and what our elementary program is about at Elboya School.  For the past two weeks, students have been focusing on using some of the basic building blocks, i.e. rhythmic patterns and melodic fragments, to create their own music.  The musical structures that the students have created reflect what they have learned in terms of musical concepts and the images/emotions they try to evoke.